Balance Playground

Date TBD

Are you feeling a bit wobbly these days? Susan and the Ging(e) hear you and have created this playful workshop to help you optimize your balance both on and off the mat.

Balance involves the integra­tion of various sensory and motor systems, including:

  • Vision (to perceive direction and motion)

  • The Vestibular System in the Inner Ear (which monitors motion and provides orientation clues, such as which way is up), and

  • Proprioception (the ability to sense where your body is in space)

To stay steady, you also need good muscle strength, range of motion in the joints and reaction time. This workshop will help you find ways to achieve optimal balance as you age to help you remain upright, balanced and strong.

RYT’s will receive one Yoga Alliance approved contact hour for Techniques, Training & Practice as well as one for Anatomy & Physiology.

Space is limited. Reserve your spot here!