Challenge Your Body, Nuture Your Spirit

When I opened InsideOut Yoga on June 21, 2010, I knew I wanted to teach classes that provided a strong physical challenge, but I also wanted to balance that with a nurturing quality that met my students where they were.  As I put together my website and other materials back then, I used the phrase, "Challenge your Body, Nurture your Spirit" to capture that intention.  For me, that meant trying to balance effort and ease.  It meant doing the demanding work of the practice, but remaining mindful of how I met the demands by feeling my breath and staying connected to the sensations of the poses in a compassionate, nonjudgmental way.  It remains at the heart of my teaching and practice and is the perfect theme for January 2015―IOY's 5th Anniversary year!!

What would you like to cultivate in this season of your life?  Will you set a new year’s resolution (just another word for an intention)?  How much richer would your life be if you found a balance between challenging your body and nurturing your spirit every day?  What specific things can you do to encourage that balance on and off the mat?