Look for the Pearl


“Pearls lie not on the seashore. If thou desirest one, thou must dive for it.” ~ Chinese Proverb 

Carey, MJ, Kristi, Pamela and I were texting one morning about an Insight Timer meditation challenge we had all started in early January. Three of the five of us were sticking with it; I had quit after the third day. As we talked about what we liked and didn’t, Carey said, “I’m hanging in there, saving the good ones and trying to endure the not-so-good, trying to find a pearl in each.” 

I couldn’t agree more that there’s always a nugget of good, and Carey’s comment was a much-needed reminder to actively look for it that morning. Minutes before opening the texts, I had been struggling with this month’s post, frustrated with anything I came up with; deleting, deleting, deleting. 

As the day went on, I thought a lot about Carey’s comment and about times I actively looked for pearls. For example, whenever I attend a yoga class or workshop with a new teacher, it’s my intention to walk away with at least one a-ha moment. Even if I wind up not being particularly enamored of the teacher, I always know there’ll be at least one pearl. And as tragic as this pandemic has been, there have definitely been pearls: more time with our kids, hopeful changes in government, forward movement in science and medicine. 

But there are just as many times I don’t actively seek out the pearl. I don’t usually read or engage in oppositional political threads on social media because they make me crazy, but the other day I read a discussion after a friend had pointed it out, and although I had refrained from commenting, I was seething and incredulous, wondering how people I liked could hold such viewpoints. I held onto that feeling for at least an hour. Yet how differently would I have reacted had I actively—or better----pre-emptively, looked for some pearls? 

This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t think critically or have preferences. As always, it’s about balance. But I’m going to put on my scuba gear and dive for some pearls this month. Thanks, Carey!