March 2015 - Pamela Witthaus

What first brought you to yoga and how long have you been practicing?

I began practicing Yoga in 1977 during college after putting on the freshman 15#.  You can do the math on how long.  

What is/are your intention(s) for your yoga practice?

Yoga brings me back to center, providing focus and enhancing stillness in my otherwise monkey brain.

What is your favorite pose and why?

Tadasana is my favorite pose.  It can be practiced anytime, anywhere, and is great for postural retraining.

 What is your favorite class at InsideOut Yoga?

Steady Flow is my favorite.  Susan does a great job of keeping each class fresh.  I love the variety.

How has the practice of yoga influenced your life?

Some folks go to temple.  Others go to church.  I go to yoga.  The spiritual and karmic aspects of yoga provide an outlet to connect to people, nature, and the universal tie that binds.

What advice would you have for a beginning yoga student?

I would recommend starting with a few private lessons or a small beginner class.  Shop around until you find a teacher or style of yoga that speaks to you.  Do not compare yourself to others in the class.  Use props for alignment and to prevent injuries. 

What is your occupation?

I am an Occupational therapist and specialize as a certified hand therapist at Tidewater Physical Therapy in Gloucester VA.

What activities do you enjoy?

I prefer outdoor activities – swimming, paddleboarding, biking, hiking – being in nature.  I also enjoy reading, being with friends, and music!

What is your favorite thing about living in the Northern Neck?

I live in Mathews on the Middle Peninsula, but love visiting the Northern Neck.  Again it’s the natural aspects that speak to me – the waterfront vistas, the forests, and open spaces.  Insideout Yoga.  Camp Kekoka.  Willaby’s.  Dr. Monge-Meberg.

Is there anything you want to add?

I am grateful for your commitment to yoga and providing classes to our communities. Thank you Susan.