December 2014 - Kimberly Vail (pictured, right, with her daughter, Katharine)

What first brought you to yoga and how long have you been practicing?

I had brain surgery in 1999, which left me having to learn to walk and talk again.  Balance was one of my biggest problems.  I started taking yoga at the YMCA when my insurance would no longer pay for therapy.  I remember the first time David had us stand on one leg and I could not connect that function in my brain.  I remember crying.  It is still hard for me, but yoga has changed that; I have come a long way.  I stayed with David until the birth of my son. I started back when John started school with my daughter who was in high school. Two years ago, I added Susan’s class in addition to David's.  I began to see my improvement with Susan’s classes; if I missed one class I could feel a difference.  I switched to attending Susan’s classes twice a week.  I would love to take every day; Susan in an awesome instructor.  Other than the balance problems, I have sciatica and lots of nerve problems.  I see yoga improving everything.

What is/are your intention(s) for your yoga practice?

RECOVER, RECONNECT AND REJUVENATE!  I love seeing the improvement in my body. At 56, I have gained back height I lost and my shoulders are not rounding.

What is your favorite pose and why?

I think my favorite pose, and I am stilling working on it, is Downward Dog. I like that you are stretching and strengthening the whole body in that one pose.

What is your favorite class at InsideOut Yoga?

I love the Breathe & Stretch class.  My whole body feels like it’s had a massage after. Even though it's a 60 minute class, it feels like 15 minutes and I am disappointed when it ends.

How has the practice of yoga influenced your life?

I feel happy 'inside and out’!

What advice would you have for a beginning yoga student?

Keep your own pace and try to keep your eyes closed, so you focus on what Susan says and you are not comparing yourself to others.

What is your occupation?

I was a nurse for ten years, moved to Tulsa, OK where I was a Pharmaceutical Rep. for ten years, moved back to Virginia, worked for Westminster Canterbury in Marketing until my brain tumor.  Now I do garden design.

What activities do you enjoy?

I love gardening, cooking, and sailing.

What is your favorite thing about living in the Northern Neck?

The peacefulness and living around the water.  I love living in a town without a stoplight and is about 50 years behind the times.

Is there anything you want to add?

Thanks to Susan for sharing her great gift as an instructor.  I always leave her classes feeling good from the workout and her insightful words of wisdom.  In addition, I love the bond yoga has created between my daughter and me.