May 2017 - Rita D'Amico

What first brought you to yoga and how long have you been practicing?

My first yoga practices were in 2006. However, I have taken my share of time away since then due to several knee issues including a left knee replacement.

What is/are your intention(s) for your yoga practice?

That time away afforded me a clear understanding of what yoga did for me. I have been waiting to be able to return in order to regain strength, balance and flexibility, especially as I age.

What is your favorite pose and why?

One of my favorite poses is Warrior 2 because I feel so strong in that position and I love when the practice flows from it to other similar standing poses.

What is your favorite class at InsideOut Yoga?

I am loving Yoga For Healthy Aging. I can feel the control and strength coming back to my body. And I have always felt that yoga practices give me a similar sense of peace as does meditation.

How has the practice of yoga influenced your life?

I find that, due to Susan’s methods of instruction, I am more aware of the interaction of parts of my body. I work on my posture. I use techniques she teaches to loosen tight joints. I am aware of how I move and how to avoid injury when doing everyday activities.

What advice would you have for a beginning yoga student?

Don't expect immediate changes but don't stop going to practices on a regular basis. Don't compare yourself to others in the class or judge your abilities during practices.

What is your occupation?

I am a retired art teacher and a semi-retired potter!  

What activities do you enjoy?

I love playing guitar and singing, making pottery and sculptures, cooking, boating, fishing, and eating & drinking with friends.

What is your favorite thing about living in the Northern Neck?

I live on a small creek just south of the neck in Mathews County.  It is a lifelong dream to live on the water. That encompasses all of the things connected to such fortune….fresh seafood, water birds, undiluted night skies, wildlife……………...great people!

Is there anything you want to add?

I think I’ve said just about enough!!