Keep Growing

I found myself in kind of a rut this winter.  Several of my closest friends were no longer in the area, my oldest son had moved to Raleigh, my yoga classes were smaller than usual, and, having let my hair go completely gray, I felt older and not happy about it.  Amidst these changes, I found refuge in my ever constant (yet ever changing!) yoga practice.  Yoga asks the questions, "What is it that you really want?  And what are you willing to do about it in the face of whatever life is presenting to you?"  These questions apply to our practice on the mat as well as to the small and large decisions we face on a daily basis.  I don't believe we grow absolutely or chronologically; I believe we grow partially, relatively, unevenly.  But I will continue to practice yoga and continue to ask those questions because, as Karen Kaiser Clark wrote, "Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely."